Applied Civil Engineering Risk AnalysisThis updated edition retains its introduction to applied fundamental statistics, probability, reliability, and decision theory as these pertain to problems in Civil Engineering. The new edition adds an expanded treatment of systems reliability, Bayesian methods, and spatial variabililty, along with additional example problems throughout. The book provides readers with the tools needed to determine the probability of failure, and when multiplied by the consequences of failure, illustrates how to assess the risk of civil engineering problems. Presenting methods for quantifying uncertainty that exists in engineering analysis and design, with an emphasis on fostering more accurate analysis and design, the text is ideal for students and practitioners of a range of civil engineering disciplines. Expands on the class-tested pedagogy from the first edition with more material and more examples; Broadens understanding with simulations coded both in Matlab and inR; Features new chapters on spatial variability and Bayesian methods; Emphasizes techniques for estimating the influence of uncertainty on the probability of failureISBN: 9783030226794, 3030226794
Applied Civil Engineering Risk Analysis 2nd Edition Ebook (
Robb Eric S. Moss
Category: 2020