B2B Customer Engagement Strategy
An Introduction to Managing Customer ExperienceBusiness to business (B2B) transactions account for 60-70% of all transactions globally. Considering this, many supplier firms aspire to create high levels of customer engagement, and this involves identifying various ways to improve customer experience. In fact, companies such as Google, Amazon, Microsoft, and others now employ professionals in customer engagement roles and dedicate entire corporate divisions to ensure seamless customer engagement. Creating high customer engagement is challenging without a cohesive, strategic approach ‘ particularly in B2B markets. This textbook introduces students to customer engagement strategy in B2B markets, the foundation of which is customer engagement capability. Companies must develop and implement four sub-capabilities ‘ customer journey management, customer relationship management, customer communications and data analytics and insight to succeed. With a myriad of case studies, discussion questions and prompts forfurther reading, the textbook translates theory into practice and serves as a useful foundation for executive courses as well as fundamental reading for masters-level specialist courses in customer engagement, marketing, sales, and strategy. In addition, practitioners in supplier firms will also be able to use to build their customer engagement capability. ISBN: 9783031234088, 3031234081
B2B Customer Engagement Strategy An Introduction to Managing Customer Experience Ebook (djibook.shop)
Daniel D. Prior
Category: 2023
Tag: djibook.shop