Information Technologies and Mathematical Modelling. Queueing Theory and Applications
16th International Conference, ITMM 2017, Named After A.F. Terpugov, Kazan, Russia, September 29 – October 3, 2017, ProceedingsThis book constitutes the proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Information Technologies and Mathematical Modelling, ITMM 2017, held in Kazan, Russia, in September/October 2017. The 31 papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 85 submissions. The conference covers various aspects of mathematical modeling and information technologies, focusing on probabilistic methods and models, queueing theory and communication networks. ISBN: 9783319680682, 3319680684
Information Technologies and Mathematical Modelling. Queueing Theory and Applications 16th International Conference, ITMM 2017, Named After A.F. Terpugov, Kazan, Russia, September 29 – October 3, 2017, Proceedings Ebook (
Category: 2017