2030 Agenda and India: Moving from Quantity to Quality
Exploring Convergence and TranscendenceThis book presents a selection of multifaceted development issues involving social, economic and environmental aspects, in order to inspire and guide implementation of the United Nations’ SDGs. It focuses on economic development, human well-being and sustainable pathways, with special attention to financial and knowledge resources, as well as measurement concepts. In doing so, the book draws a distinction between sustainability and sustainable pathways by refraining from dealing with broader and more direct environmental sustainability issues like climate change, environmental degradation and sustainable energy. The choice of topics, apart from their relevance for India, was guided by their importance in connection with multiple SDG goals. In addition to revealing the intricacies of systemic relationships and the dilemmas they create in policy choices, the book examines the role of actors and the critical importance of partnerships to help readers comprehend the breadth of diversities and inter-linkages involved. The roles of the central and state governments, the parliament and the state assemblies, the civil society, UN agencies and district-level authorities are separately explored in depth. Sharing valuable insights, the book encourages policymakers, practitioners and scholars to move towards a sustainable and equitable economy, and supports them in their efforts. ISBN: 9789813290907, 9813290900
2030 Agenda and India: Moving from Quantity to Quality Exploring Convergence and Transcendence Ebook (djibook.shop)
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