A Guide to Women’s Health, Second EditionA Guide to Women’s Health, Second Edition is a practical and multidisciplinary text that enables students and clinicians to identify and treat conditions quickly and effectively. A concise and easy-to-use quick reference, it offers evidence-based information on conventional, complementary, and alternative care choices for a wide-range of conditions affecting women. Topics include epidemiology, etiology, signs and symptoms, diagnostic and management considerations, self-care, and wellness. Completely updated and revised to reflect current research findings and diagnostic approaches, the Second Edition explores the impact of culture, spirituality, and intimate partner violence on women’s health. Important Notice: The digital edition of this book is missing some of the images or content found in the physical edition.ISBN: 9781284079616, 1284079619
A Guide to Women’s Health, Second Edition 2nd Edition Ebook (djibook.shop)
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