A Small Farm Future
Making the Case for a Society Built Around Local Economies, Self-Provisioning, Agricultural Diversity and a Shared EarthA modern classic of the new agrarianism “Chris Smaje…shows that the choice is clear. Either we have a small farm future, or we face collapse and extinction.”‘Vandana Shiva “Every young person should read this book.”‘Richard Heinberg In a groundbreaking debut, farmer and social scientist Chris Smaje argues that organizing society around small-scale farming offers the soundest, sanest and most reasonable response to climate change and other crises of civilisation’and will yield humanity’s best chance at survival. Drawing on a vast range of sources from across a multitude of disciplines, A Small Farm Future analyses the complex forces that make societal change inevitable; explains how low-carbon, locally self-reliant agrarian communities can empower us to successfully confront these changes head on; and explores the pathways for delivering this vision politically. Challenging both conventional wisdom and utopian blueprints, A Small Farm Future offers rigorous original analysis of wicked problems and hidden opportunities in a way that illuminates the path toward functional local economies, effective self-provisioning, agricultural diversity and a shared earth. Perfect for readers of both Wendell Berry and Thomas Piketty, A Small Farm Future is a refreshing, new outlook on a way forward for society’and a vital resource for activists, students, policy makers, and anyone looking to enact change.ISBN: 9781603589024, 1603589023
A Small Farm Future Making the Case for a Society Built Around Local Economies, Self-Provisioning, Agricultural Diversity and a Shared Earth Ebook (djibook.shop)
Chris Smaje
Category: 2020
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