Aesthetic Revolutions and Twentieth-Century Avant-Garde MovementsThis collection examines key aesthetic avant-garde art movements of the twentieth century and their relationships with revolutionary politics. The contributors distinguish aesthetic avant-gardes ‘whose artists aim to transform society and the ways of sensing the world through political means’from the artistic avant-gardes, which focus on transforming representation. Following the work of philosophers such as Friedrich Schiller and Jacques Ranci’re, the contributors argue that the aesthetic is inherently political and that aesthetic avant-garde art is essential for political revolution. In addition to analyzing Russian constructivsm, surrealism, and Situationist International, the contributors examine Italian futurism’s model of integrating art with politics and life, the murals of revolutionary Mexico and Nicaragua, 1960s American art, and the Slovenian art collective NSK’s construction of a fictional political state in the 1990s. Aesthetic Revolutions and Twentieth-Century Avant-Garde Movements traces the common foundations and goals shared by these disparate arts communities and shows how their art worked towards effecting political and social change. Contributors. John E. Bowlt, Sascha Bru, David Craven, Ale’ Erjavec, Tyrus Miller, Raymond Spiteri, Mi’ko ‘uvakovic ISBN: 9780822358725, 0822358727
Aesthetic Revolutions and Twentieth-Century Avant-Garde Movements Ebook (
Ale’ Erjavec
Category: 2015