Ancient Education and Early ChristianityWhat was the relationship of ancient education to early Christianity’ This volume provides an in-depth look at different approaches currently employed by scholars who draw upon educational settings in the ancient world to inform their historical research in Christian origins. The book is divided into two sections: one consisting of essays on education in the ancient world, and one consisting of exegetical studies dealing with various passages where motifs emerging from ancient educational culture provide illumination. The chapters summarize the state of the discussion on ancient education in classical and biblical studies, examine obstacles to arriving at a comprehensive theory of early Christianity’s relationship to ancient education, compare different approaches, and compile the diverse methodologies into one comparative study. Several educational motifs are integrated in order to demonstrate the exegetical insights that they may yield when utilized in New Testament historical investigation and interpretation.ISBN: 9780567660275, 0567660273
Ancient Education and Early Christianity 1st Edition Ebook (
Matthew Ryan Hauge; Andrew W. Pitts
Category: 2016