Anglo-Norman Studies XLI
Proceedings of the Battle Conference 2018This year’s volume continues to demonstrate the vitality of scholarship in this area, across a variety of disciplines. There is a particular focus on the material culture of the Norman Conquest of England and its aftermath, from study of horses and knights to its archaeologies to castle construction and the representation of a chanson de geste on an Italian church fa’ade. The volume also includes papers on royal and private authority in Anglo-SaxonEngland; the relationship between Anglo-Norman rulers and their neighbours; intellectual history; priests’ wives; and noble lepers.
Contributors: Sabina Flanagan, Hazel Freestone, Sally Harvey, Tom Lambert, Aleksandra McClain, Nicholas Paul, Charlotte Pickard, David Pratt, Richard Purkiss, David Roffe, Nicolas Ruffini-Ronzani, Lucia Sinisi, Linda Stone, Naomi SykesISBN: 9781783273997, 1783273992