Artificial Intelligence. IJCAI 2019 International Workshops
Macao, China, August 10’12, 2019, Revised Selected Best PapersThis book presents selected papers of 12 Workshops held in conjunction with the 28th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IJCAI 2019, in Macao, China, in August 2019. The workshops included in this volume are: AI4KM 2019: 7th International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Knowledge Management and Innovation. FinNLP 2019: First International Workshop on Financial Technology and Natural Language Processing. OR 2019: 32nd International Workshop on Qualitative Reasoning. SURL 2019: Second International Workshop on Scaling-Up Reinforcement Learning. First International Workshop on Bringing Semantic Knowledge into Vision and Text Understanding. EASyHAT 2019: First International Workshop on Evaluation of Adaptive Systems for Human-Autonomy Teaming. ACAN 2019: 12th International Workshop on Agent-based Complex Automated Negotiations. First International Workshop on Deep Learning for Human Activity Recognition. HAI 2019: Second International Workshop on Humanizing AI. International Workshop on Language Sense on Computer. AISafety 2019: International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence Safety. DeLBP 2019: 4th International Workshop on Declarative Learning Based Programming.ISBN: 9783030561499, 3030561496
Artificial Intelligence. IJCAI 2019 International Workshops 1st Edition Macao, China, August 10’12, 2019, Revised Selected Best Papers Ebook (
Amal El Fallah Seghrouchni; David Sarne
Category: 2020