Assessing China’s Naval Power
Technological Innovation, Economic Constraints, and Strategic ImplicationsThis book analyzes the rise of China’s naval power and its possible strategic consequences from a wide variety of perspectives ‘ technological, economic, and geostrategic ‘ while employing a historical-comparative approach throughout. Since naval development requires huge financial resources and mostly takes place within the context of transnational industrial partnerships, this study also consciously adopts an industry perspective. The systemic problems involved in warship production and the associated material, financial, technological, and political requirements currently remain overlooked aspects in the case of China. Drawing on first-hand working experience in the naval shipbuilding industry, the author provides transparent criteria for the evaluation of different naval technologies’ strategic value, which other researchers can draw upon as a basis for further research in such diverse fields as International Security Studies, Naval Warfare Studies, Chinese Studies, and International Relations.ISBN: 9783662471265, 3662471264
Assessing China’s Naval Power Technological Innovation, Economic Constraints, and Strategic Implications Ebook (
Sarah Kirchberger
Category: 2015