Digitally Enabling ‘Learning by Doing’ in Vocational Education
Enhancing ‘Learning as Becoming’ ProcessesThis book introduces, rationalizes and describes some ways to circumvent the challenges of providing ‘hands-on’ learning when programmes with practice-based focuses have to be offered via distance learning. It presents a framework to help deconstruct the many aspects of ‘learning to become’ a professional or practitioner. Then, it demarcates the skills, knowledge and attributes towards ensuring learners are prepared for the exigencies of the future of work. The book details the types of pedagogical approaches, including project/inquiry/problem-based learning, which help assist learners to learn both the competencies and capabilities required. It introduces technology-enhanced learning (TEL) platforms and tools supporting ‘education 4.0’, and presents a series of contemporary research studies on the integration of TEL, which are augmented and updated to allow for the challenges of provisioning opportunities for ‘learning by doing’ through distance learning. Finally, the book proposes recommendations to help ensure that institutions are better prepared for the sustainable shift to distance learning. ISBN: 9789811634048, 9811634041
Digitally Enabling ‘Learning by Doing’ in Vocational Education Enhancing ‘Learning as Becoming’ Processes Ebook (
Selena Chan
Category: 2021