Great Swan
Meetings with RamakrishnaKen Wilber says of Great Swan: ‘This is a wise, beautiful, brilliant book, designed to introduce us to’no, to directly immerse us in’the mind and spirit of the remarkable Ramakrishna. But as Hixon so accurately points out, ‘Ramakrishna is not a quaint person from an ancient culture, representing a particular religious background, but an Einstein of the planetary civilization of the near future, a greenhouse for the future evolution of humanity.’ This book thus contains the master key that opens all cultures and all hearts. Lex Hixon has succeeded beautifully in this task, and I bow in deep gratitude for the wisdom that comes through Lex to all of us fortunate enough to read this wonderful book.’ Hixon’s luminous writing intimately re-creates a series of encounters with this divinely intoxicated master, so readers experience firsthand his power, playfulness, and spiritual intensity. Blissfully devoted to what he called the Divine Mother, Ramakrishna practiced all religions and taught that all sacred paths spring from the same divine source. These ‘meetings’ are keys to seeing how the sacred feminine is re-emerging in our time, to show the unity at the core of all spiritual endeavor. ‘Meet as many adepts from various paths as you can,’ Ramakrishna instructed. ‘Love these persons, receive their initiations, and passionately practice their disciplines. But enter your own inner chamber of primordial awareness to enjoy selfless peace and delight.’ Great Swan may well be the next best thing to a personal meeting with this particular one of them. For many, it’s Lex Hixon’s greatest work’a true classic. The sanctity, delightful playfulness, wisdom, power, devotion, and spiritual intensity of one of the most inspiring spiritual teachers of all time permeate every page. ISBN: 9780943914800, 0943914809
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