Leading the Campaign
The President and Fundraising in Higher EducationLeading the Campaign provides an overview of campaigns in higher education. It emphasizes the leadership role of college and university presidents, but also provides important insights on the role of volunteers and fundraising professionals. It provides lessons and examples that are relevant to all types of nonprofit organizations. The campaign has endured over more than a century as a principal strategy for advancing colleges and universities. It is an approach to fundraising that is rooted in fundamentals of human nature and values and its central principles have proven to be effective under a variety of circumstances. This book focuses on those central principles and how they are being applied in today’s changing environment. The second edition has been revised and updated from the first edition, published in 2010, to provide current data and examples. The book has been expanded to include discussion of emerging trends in campaigns, including the increased importance of social media and online giving. It includes numerous examples drawn from various types of colleges and universities and history-making campaigns. ISBN: 9781475828849, 1475828845
Leading the Campaign 2nd Edition The President and Fundraising in Higher Education Ebook (djibook.shop)
Michael J. Worth
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