Learning Empire
Globalization and the German Quest for World Status, 1875’1919The First World War marked the end point of a process of German globalization that began in the 1870s, well before Germany acquired a colonial empire or extensive overseas commercial interests. Structured around the figures of five influential economists who shaped the German political landscape, Learning Empire explores how their overseas experiences shaped public perceptions of the world and Germany’s place in it. These men helped define a German liberal imperialism that came to influence the ‘world policy’ (Weltpolitik) of Kaiser Wilhelm, Chancellor B’low, and Admiral Tirpitz. They devised naval propaganda, reshaped Reichstag politics, were involved in colonial and financial reforms, and helped define the debate over war aims in the First World War. Looking closely at German worldwide entanglements, Learning Empire recasts how we interpret German imperialism, the origins of the First World War, and the rise of Nazism, inviting reflection on the challenges of globalization in the current century. ISBN: 9781108483827, 1108483828
Learning Empire Globalization and the German Quest for World Status, 1875’1919 Ebook (djibook.shop)
Erik Grimmer-Solem
Category: 2019
Tag: djibook.shop