Learning Mathematics in a Mobile App-Supported Math Trail EnvironmentThis brief presents the results of a study on the development of the mobile app-supported math trail program for learning mathematics. This study is a part of the MathCityMap-Project, a project of the MATIS I Team from IDMI Goethe-Universit’t Frankfurt, Germany, that comprises math trails around the city that are supported by the use of GPS-enabled mobile phone technology. The project offers an activity that is designed to support students in constructing their own mathematical knowledge by solving the prepared mathematical tasks on the math trail and interacting with the environment, including the digital environment. The brief focuses specifically on the development of a model for a mobile app-supported math trail programme and the implementation of this programme in Indonesia. It offers both an empirical exploration of its implementation as well as critical assessment of students’ motivation in mathematics, their own performance, as well as teachers’ mathematics beliefs. It concludes with a future-forward perspective by recommending strategies for implementation in schools, among the general public of the existing math trails (including its supporting tool). It also discusses strategies for developing and designing new trails and suggests further research in other geographical regions and contexts for continued project development and implementation. Learning Mathematics in a Mobile App-Supported Math Trail Environment articulates an innovative and exciting future for integrating real mathematical tasks and geographic and digital environment into effective mathematics education. ISBN: 9783319932446, 3319932446
Learning Mathematics in a Mobile App-Supported Math Trail Environment Ebook (djibook.shop)
Adi Nur Cahyono
Category: 2018
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